Elgin Burgess Graduation Portfolio
Elgin Burgess
Graduation Portfolio
Student Statement
Elgin Burgess is a 2022 graduate of the Big Picture Academy at Liverpool Boys High School. He is a good listener, friendly and with a good heart who loves being social with his family, friends, and Mormon church community. With a passion for the automotive industry, barbering, golf, volleyball, and fishing, he is a hands-on learner actively participating in his learning. He completed a Certificate II in Automotive Servicing Technology, attended Wetherill Park TAFE in conjunction with his automotive mechanic Traineeship at Peter Warren. He works collaboratively with people from diverse backgrounds, demonstrating communication skills, and an excellent ability to build positive relationships with adults in real-world settings. His level of resilience was evident in his capacity to preserve through challenges out of his control during the Covid19 pandemic. After graduating high school, he will be a missionary for two-years with the Mormon church.